Snapchat from Zero to Hero | Part 3

Snapchat from Zero to Hero | Part 3

In our two previous articles we talked about the basics of using Snapchat [Snapchat from Zero to Hero | Part 1] and discussed how you can use most of the features of this social network to become a snapper [Snapchat from Zero to Hero | Part 2]. In this article we are going to take you to the hero level by discussing the Profile screen and what it contains [snap code, Snapchat score, Added me, adding friends, Snapchat trophies and settings].

To get started, open the Snapchat application and swipe the main screen down, the profile screen will appear.

The first thing you will notice is the yellow square at the middle of the screen, this is your snap code; it is a scannable code that every snapper has and can be used to simplify adding others on your account and vice versa. To share the code, take a screenshot of the screen and share it on any of your social media accounts. This will enable others to add you simply by scanning the code using the Snapchat camera.

--> To scan a code, make a long tap on the screen while orienting your camera to the code. 

Under your snap code you will find your SnapChat name and below it you will find your Snapchat username and your Snapchat score which is calculated based on your activity (sent and received snaps).

On the profile screen, you will also find the (Added Me) button where you can find people who added you; You can simply add them back from the same screen. When a friend adds you, the SnapChat logo on the camera screen will turn yellow, tap it to open the (Added me) screen.

To add friends, go back to the profile screen and press on (Add friends) button; There are four ways to adding friends on SnapChat:       

  1. Adding someone by username
  2. Adding friends from address book and or invite other friends to join Snapchat.
  3. Adding friends using their snap code.
  4. Adding friends who are near you; location services needs to be enabled on your phone.

Tips: On the (Adding friends) screen you will find (Quick add) section, which shows friends from your address book who have recently joined Snapchat. On the profile screen, you will find (My friends) button that allows you to find friends that are sorted alphabetically.

Going back to your profile screen, you will find a trophy at the top of the screen which is a type of Snapchat emoji; the more you snap, the more you earn trophies, and each trophy has a specific goal that needs to be achieved. For example: Earning a trophy for sending a Snap with one filter applied.

Snapchat Settings: 
To access Snapchat settings, tap on the cogged wheel on the upper right corner on your profile screen. The first section is (My account) where you can find your account details and have the ability to edit your name, phone number, email, password and your login verification.
Note: Once you create an account on SnapChat the username can't be modified. 

Following (My Account) section, there is the (Additional Services) section where you can control many important features: 

  • Account privacy from (Who can) section.
  • Access the (Advanced) section: 
    • Control your notification settings.
    • Join Snapchat beta. This features allows you to try Snapchat newest features as a beta tester

Other sections:

  • More Information: Contains information about SnapChat's support, privacy policy, terms of services and licences. 
  • Account Actions:  Contains information about browsing data and conversations; you can clear browsing data and/or conversations and you can also check your blocked list.
  • Logout.

If you are excited to know additional information stay tuned for our next article (Snapchat from zero to hero | Part 4).

@AfnanRabaia | Community Manager & Translator




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